Electric Cash Explorer

Network Summary


115.17 TH/s

Total Transactions


Unconfirmed Transactions

0 tx (64 B)


429.64 x 1024 hashes


10.016 x 106

Blockchain Size

261.96 MB

Number of ELCASH wallets


Avg Tx Volume (24h)

131.365 ELCASH/TX

Coins In Circulation

14,468,945 ELCASH

Market Cap


Exchange Rate (USD)



Node Status

Summary of this node: version, network, uptime, etc.


Detailed info about the peers connected to this node.

Browse Blocks

Browse all blocks in the blockchain.

Mempool Summary

Detailed summary of the current mempool for this node.

Transaction Stats

See graphs of total transaction volume and transaction rates.

Unconfirmed Transactions

Browse unconfirmed/pending transactions.

Latest Blocks

HeightTimestamp (utc)AgeMinerTransactionsAverage FeeSize (bytes)Weight (wu)
205,8582024-12-09 20:44:047:18?102961,076 (0%)
205,8572024-12-09 19:36:061:15:16?102961,076 (0%)
205,8562024-12-09 19:26:341:24:48?102961,076 (0%)
205,8552024-12-09 18:52:451:58:37?102961,076 (0%)
205,8542024-12-09 17:43:083:08:14?102961,076 (0%)
205,8532024-12-09 17:21:273:29:55?102961,076 (0%)
205,8522024-12-09 16:55:313:55:51?102961,076 (0%)
205,8512024-12-09 16:27:094:24:13ELCASH Pool102981,084 (0%)
205,8502024-12-09 15:54:284:56:54ELCASH Pool102981,084 (0%)
205,8492024-12-09 15:44:085:07:14ELCASH Pool102981,084 (0%)

Transaction Stats Summary

PeriodTransactionsTransactions Per Sec
24 hours1460.0019
1 week1,0210.0017
1 month4,3840.0012
1 year53,3830.0016
All time229,3810.0018